That Gurjot

Witness the normal

The Site is Now LIVE!

07 Jul 2014

Indeed it is.

Whoa. Took me an entire day to get this running. A day so long it seems like two right now. I have slept only 3 hours in the last 48, it’s like I am back in finals month. I am surprised though, now that I think of it, I effectively put only 6-7 hours in this. I started from scratch, learned Jekyll, tried reasoning with Poole, stalked Tobias Ahlin and got favorited by him on Twitter. Intense 24 hours lately.


The site is up now, with all the links working, complete with a 404 page and all that. (Check the fancy Back to top link on the bottom of this page)

##Bug control Infinite Scroll on the blog page doesn’t work right now, the spinner does, and I need to add an index of all posts somewhere, and I need to update the content. And I should probably get rid of the updates page, merge it with the blog page.

Also, sleep.